The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Monday, July 8, 2013

Been Busy. . .Oh. Yes.

Time passes at a different speed depending upon what you're doing.  Our usual routine, or other.  It's the other we're doing now.  Things are slowing down.  I could have sworn I didn't write for two or three weeks, but looking at the July 1st date, it's obviously been much sooner.  It doesn't seem possible that we've done so much.  There's no connection between time and the amount of things done.   There's so much we've been doing. 

Last Wednesday, July 3rd,  was NeeNee's 16th birthday, so her family invited the whole family, who were available,  to the Thai restaurant on the Commons in Ithaca.  I counted 16 people.   For those of you who don't know about the Commons:  It's a street that has been closed to cars for years.  It has interesting shops to go into.  Restaurants too.   The middle had beautiful trees, gardens, places to sit, listen to concerts.  Unfortunately, the Commons is all torn up.  I would guess they're going to "improve it."  We'll see, next year when we visit.

The Thai food was delicious as usual.  Some of their dishes have a hotness level of 1-5.  Noi got a #5.  The waiter said they can make it hotter, but she said that was okay.  She'd been in the states too long.  A #5 was enough!  Me, I had the sweet and sour chicken.  Paul had the sweet and sour beef.  We had birthday cake when we got home.  (Red Velvet Cake baked by Greg)

Bob's friend Mark, from Toronto, came in on the Fourth.  He stayed until Sunday afternoon.  He's such a welcomed guest.  Very personable.   We had 22 people for a barbecue on the Fourth. Mostly relatives. Our friend Ruth, from Watkins Glen,  and Mark were the others.   As usual it was hot outside.  Thank goodness for the a/c!

 Brenda made her delicious potato salad. I made Gram's four-bean salad.   Paul cooked hamburgs, hotdogs and bratz. Plus baked beans.  Ruth made a most delicious frozen dessert.   We had so much leftover!  But it all is gone by today - Monday.

Alaina, and her dad, Jeff came in on Friday night from Ontario.   Alaina was in the Kids Kamp with the girls.  Jeff slept on an air mattress in the Library. Dorothy came Saturday from Ontario - she had to work until then.  They stayed Saturday night with the Corning Relatives.

This will probably be the last time we'll see Alaina before she goes in the Peace Corp.  She's scheduled for Uganda in November. God Bless her.  I'm so glad she got to be with all the family.  She's going to write a blog.  Wonderful!

Saturday was Lee's High School Graduation Party.  It went from 3PM til approximately 10:30 when the fireworks ended.  They had a pool party in the afternoon, mexican food for dinner, and fireworks after dark.  You could see there was a lot of effort put into it!   I didn't count how many people were there, but there were many cars, groupings of lawn furniture, and  many  kids in the pool.  We were glad we brought our bag chairs for Bob, Mark and us.  They came in handy  watching  all the fireworks from the deck. 

Jeff and Dorothy stayed in with the Corning Relatives Saturday night, but came back here to spend time with us all on Sunday.  Noi cooked a Thai dinner - twice this trip!  Our second one was yesterday.  Just wonderful.  She's such an excellent cook.  She never follows a recipe, but just puts things together - she said it's the way she learned at home from her mother.  What a wonderful thing to be able to do.

I'm learning to crochet.  Noi, Brenda, NeeNee were all crocheting.  It's been something I've wanted to do for a long time. So - when we went to Hobby Lobby earlier in the week, I got some wool and some crochet hooks.   I learned how to knit when I was young, but never crocheted.  It's harder than I expected, but then - I'm not a spring chicken (duh) and it takes me longer to get it all down and understand it.  Brenda and Noi were/are very patient with me.  I think it's coming along.  Slowly.  I made a lot of mistakes in the beginning, but now I (perhaps) have it down.  It takes me forever.  

I watch Brenda and Noi and I'm amazed at how fast they go - and talk, watch tv, do other things.  zip,zip, zip, zip. . .they finish a line.  It's coming tho.  Dorothy told me that they have good YouTube videos on beginning crocheting. I checked it out and they look good.  She said she learned this winter by that.    So I won't feel panicky after Brenda leaves.   And of course, I have Lue.  She's wonderful at anything.

I saw on Facebook that Nancy's family had a good time at the Cardinals' game up in St. Louis.  Walter cooperated and took two naps.  He had on a Cardinal onesy, and the rest were all dressed up in Cardinal outfits.  Including Nancy and Dan - with hats, and t-shirts.  And they won!  I guess Evie is going through the terrible two/three's.  She's been having temper tantrums.  Life is never easy. Especially for a two-year old getting to be a three year old soon.  Where has the time gone?

Greg, Noi and the kids left today for Florida.  They're stopping at Duke University on the way down so Brenan can look at it.  The week after next, NeeNee and Brenan are flying out to the west coast and staying with Brenda, Emma and Eric.  They're going to see USC.  Brenan so far likes Cornell.  We'd love to have him here in the northeast.  And so close. 

I haven't heard from Bill and Epril for a while.  That's the way it goes.  (I know that her mother reads my blog.  It's another way to find out what's going on with them. They do keep in touch with Epril's family. So my blog goes to the Philippines!  As soon as I find out something, Nila, I'll let you know!)

So - I've probably forgotten a lot o things.  Oh, yes.  Lue's niece and nephew, Sue and Eric, came up from Middletown for the party, and stayed overnight with her.  They're such nice people.  They always give me a big hug and call me Aunt Jeanne.

How're things goin' in your neck o' the woods?

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