The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

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  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Monday, May 13, 2013

I'm getting into the habit of reading my last post so that I won't be repeating myself as much as I tend to do. . .although I think I still do it. 

May 4th was the last time I wrote.   Paul's been busy outside getting the gardens "up to snuff."  He does such a good job.  We pick out plants and  flowers together and then he does "his thing."  We have an enlarged herb garden this year.  I started using fresh herbs when we were in Florida. 

Herbs:  yesterday we had a Mother's Day Brunch at Veraison's Restaurant (I always pronounce it Verizons, which is wrong.  Not sure how it's said.) It's connected to one of the larger wineries on Seneca Lake.   They gave each mother a choice of several herb plants.  The view of Seneca Lake is lovely, and they had a keyboardist and a guitarist.

  Paul and I both admitted: The food was not fantastic.  Sorry to say.  The service wasn't either.  But I enjoyed being out with my favorite guy. He got me a rose plant and some hanging baskets.   And one of those anti-gravity chairs for the deck.  Now I can go in the hottub, come out and get some sun.

Both of my kids called. 

Nancy said that Evie (2 yrs. 8 mos.) went food shopping with Dan and she picked out some flowers for Mommy.  Dan said the only pink flowers were lilies.  (Evie's favorite favorite color) so that's what she picked got.

 Evie's been getting up early these days, so yesterday she, Nancy and Ivan (their husky) were going for a walk at 7 AM when Nancy saw a man jogging down middle of  the street by their house.  No one jogs in the middle of a street in Chicago.  For obvious reasons.  Their one-way street is fairly quiet though.  Anyway, Nancy saw a car coming up behind him and thought he was going to get run over, when she realized it was the mayor, Rahm Emanuel, and the car had his security people in it.
Nancy said it makes her neighborhood safer having him living there. 

Nancy's going back to work today.  Day Care had a spot for Walter, so she's going back part-time.  If she didn't, Walter would have lost his spot and then they'd have to look for another place for him and then Evie would have had to move also.  It's not easy working and having childcare. 

Bill and Epril are doing well in Punta Gorda.  He's changed transcriptionist companies and has a lot more work to do.  He has days off - Friday and Saturday - and works noon to 8 PM.   Epril  is very busy with her work too.  She's still on a rotating schedule.  They called Uncle Bob to see if he'd like to go to a fish fry on Friday night, but he was going to visit his daughter, Christine, for Mother's Day.  Next Friday they'll get together. 

Thursday evening, Sharon, Ida, Lue and I went to the Mother, Daughter, Relative, Friend banquet at my church put on by the men.  It was lovely- including a fashion show from the store Sharon loves to go to!  How about that for coincidence!  The men  cooked and served us chicken pot pies.  I thought it was delicious, so I made some Saturday night for Paul.  We had some leftover chicken from a roast I had cooked a couple of days before.   I think it turned out pretty good!  We have some leftovers.

I think winter is back.  We're due for snow flurries some time today.  Great.  Life sometimes can get unpleasant for Snowbirds.  Don't like that word....snow.  So. . . . I'm going to go to Curves instead of walking and my wash is done.  Which means I have to stop writing now. 

Hope you're all doing fine.  Thank you Dorothy for your Mother's Day Card. 

So. . . what's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?

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