The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

It's Wednesday and it's the first one in a long time that I'll be able to go to Bible Study this afternoon.  I've had a lot of things going on.  Hair appointments, going to Punta Gorda.  The mid-week mark or the "hump" has been high.

Nancy and Dan have been good about posting pictures of young Walter up on Facebook, so I've had a chance to look at my youngest grandchild. I can't really tell if his hair is red or just light colored.  He doesn't have much!  Much less than Evie had, which was brown,  and Vincent's was definitely red. 

This has been said many times before:  I can't imagine being so young and vulnerable to the world. 
Human babies certainly need 100% looking after for 100% of the time.  And for so long a time. 

Did you read about Yahoo saying that the CEO  want all of their employees to be working at the office and not at home?  Now, really. That's quite something.   They have til June to come back and make arrangements for someone to care for their little ones.   My. Oh, my.

 Nancy and Dan are lucky.  She's home for a while now, and Dan can be home for a while, and she can be home for a while.  They can mix or match.  If  they're both teaching college, so they can do this. 

Of course, they have great daycare for Evie; she loves it there, and Walter can go there too.  These things have all been arranged.  But - I can remember once or twice, when they were without daycare and were really really looking and looking and being naturally stressed out.  It's not easy being a parent these days when both parents work.  I guess I'm preaching to the choir though because it's the normal way of doing things now adays.   

Thank you Edna and Linda for your kind wishes regarding Walter.  I appreciate it. Bonnie - thanks for your letter with all the information: about Paul's cousin's death, Devere Boyer.  And sorry to hear that Paul's brother Bob is having chemo again.  For those of you who don't know, Paul is the youngest sibling of five.  First born: twins - Bonnie and Bob, next Edna, next Howard and last Paul. 

 BTW - I AM having trouble with my e-mail again.  GRRRRR. Please.  Keep trying at either my Comcast number or my Road Runner one.  I find that my e-mails haven't gone out since Feb. 20th from RR.  I did get your e-mail Linda, but Edna, Paul tried to send me a copy and it wouldn't go through.  I really hate Comcast. and all this  e-mail stuff.  

Why can't e-mail be easy to send like it used to be? And that we wouldn't have all these problems!  It's like the Peter Principle where all goes as planned until it goes too well and then you can bet things will decline.  Actually the Peter Principle  says that people are promoted til they are beyond their capability and there they sit.  Or something like that.

This week is inundated with Showtime practices.  Yesterday we had a full rehearsal of all the acts.  Lots of little things that had to be fixed with props, sound system, acts that had to do over.  The practice started at 1:00 and ended after 4. Carol O. was there to turn pages for me and helped a lot. I sent Carol home early becayse she has a friend, Beverly, who is visiting this week. She left her at home with a good book because we had rain.  She would have been out at the pool sunning herself.

Today we don't have practice, but Thursday is dress rehearsal, Friday - performance in the evening, Saturday two performances.  Then a pizza party afterwards. 

Not much news from other family members lately.  It's good I have Facebook and can keep up with what the kids are doing.  I enjoy reading about NeeNee, Brenan, Maddie,  and others. 

Just got a phone call from the director:  The guitarist who will accompany one of the singers, is sick and the doctor says he won't be able to perform.  Thus I will have to accompany him.  Don't know the song, or the chords needed, but it's on UTube.  Will look it over.  Plus the chorus has requested that the Finale be in a lower key.  Have that, luckily!  It's in four sharps, and very low, but I've tried it and should be able to to do it. 

So - I have to close to take care of things in the above paragraph.  Forgive any errors in spelling, grammar.

 How're things doin' in your neck o' the woods?

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