The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Saturday, February 2, 2013

And it sounds good.. .

Things have been happening around here.  Nothing earth-shaking, but we've been busy. 

 We're getting ready for Showtime, our annual music review, here at Circlewoods. I'm the piano accompanist for a several of the performers and production numbers.

Last year, the sound engineer, Ron,  had trouble recording the best sound between the piano and the performers. He wanted to try to fix it. 

 Ron knew that some Showtime performers preferred recorded accompaniments, which is fine, and they record well in the clubhouse.  So, why not record mine, so he could improve the sound?

So . . . we scheduled a meeting here Wednesday, to record  my music. Ron came with Pat, Showtime's director, Ron's wife, Audrey and cousin Alice. (I was accompanying Alice and Audrey on two of the songs.) They were all here for a little over an hour and I recorded four song accompaniments.

The next day Thursday morning at 9, Pat, called me. Would I mind doing the show live? Of course, I'd be happy to.  She thought that my music would be better live.    She said some people do better with live accompaniment.    Live. . . slow down when they need, speed up. . .to accompany and follow along. My words would be:  Not putting the cart before the horse .

 Some people enjoy singing to recorded accompaniment. (karaoke, anyone?) And they do well. And it sounds good.  .But others prefer the other way around.  I'm glad to help them.  And it sounds good.  

Carol O. had some visitors for a couple of days. Two retired teacher/friends that I enjoyed teaching with. I stopped at Carol's Friday morning to have a cup of coffee with them before they left for the East coast where one of them live.

Last night, we went to a fishfry at the Englewood Moose Club with Bob, Bill and Epril.  It was a delicious dinner and the service was great!   Luckily the food service wasn't like last Sunday morning when we went after church. We had to wait 55 minutes to be served.

 Bill and Epril came early - around 3:00 to just visit.  I had a soloist here to practice so they sat outside on the patio and visited with Bob and Paul for a while.  Our back-door neighbor, Brent, stopped by with his golden retriever, Winnie.   Bill and Epril drove their own car to the Club so they could continue on back to Punta Gorda.  Epril looked so pretty in another outfit and pretty shoes.  Each time she comes she's in an outfit even prettier than the last.   Afterwards we went out for some ice cream.  Oh, my.  It was so good. 

Bob is pet-sitting his son Jon's dog, Tank, while they went to Miami this weekend for a wedding.  Tank is a big, part-black lab.  He's like a big baby.  Gracie was astounded and barked a lot this morning when she saw Tank out back.  She really fussed, but he's so gentle, (like Winnie), that she got over it.  Kinda.   Martini's used to Tank.  So she didn't put up a fuss. Gracie followed her lead.

I talked with Nancy for her birthday and she seems to be doing fine.  February 19th is the due date for the little boy to arrive.  Perhaps he'll come a little earlier. Vincent and Evie did.   His grandfather's birthday is today, Ground Hog's day.  I guess he's missing that one too.  We have Valentine's day coming up. . .

Paul helped out at the annual Clubhouse garage sale this morning by helping park cars.  His time was 8:30-10:30.  It was a little cool so he took his windbreaker with him.  I didn't get down to it and have no desire to be a part of it.   My garage days are over.  I think.  Never say never.

So - what's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?

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