The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Lull. . . . Finally!

Comparing last week at this time, it's  like night and day.  Much quieter.  It's nice to have time to do what I want to do, or need to do due to last week's busy-ness.  The weeks still seem to fly by though. 

We still haven't heard from our contractor about our start of construction date for our lanai remodeling.  Our windows should be delivered this Friday.  Paul's assuming it will be to their place of business, not here.  There's such a lot of rigamarole needed to be completed, in order to just start.  Lots of paperwork.  One of the reasons Paul doesn't want to do this job is just that. . . the paperwork.  Can't blame him there.  I guess everyone who builds anything knows about that.  Sit and wait.  It's so frustrating though.  They did "guarantee" that it would be finished before our leaving date in mid April. 

Got another phone call from the Woods Edge.  They're having a meeting on March 10th, at 2:00, and wondered if we'd like to be hooked up to speakerphone for it.  Of course.  We got a copy of the Covenant  in the mail yesterday.  It was good to review it. 

Showtime - went very well.  I had thought I'd be exhausted with three shows - but I was just tired, not overly so.  I slept well those nights!  All the added numbers and changes went well.

 If you remember, at the last minute, the guitarist in Showtime became ill and wasn't able to be in the program.  Gary came and I was able to find lyrics and guitar chords on the internet to his song.  There wasn't any sheet music, so I had to improvise.  He had an ipad version of his singing with the guitar.  Paul recorded it with my camcorder and I practiced along with it.  I felt quite comfortable by the time the Dress Rehearsal on Thursday evening. 

 There were other last minute changes but all turned out fine. 

In some  ways, having three shows was less stressful for the performers because there was room for them to sit in the clubhouse, when not performing.  They could rest, relax and watch the show.  The Friday night performance was sold out and the Saturday night one also.  The Saturday matinee was 3/4 full.  Paul took me out for dinner at Applebee's between shows on Saturday.  (the matinee was over at 4:00.  We went out at 4:30.  We were due back at the clubhouse at 6:20. )  Bob and Carol O joined us at Applebee's.   Bob and Paul came to the pizza party after the Saturday evening show. 

It's been quite cold down here. (for our area).  No pool time.  I didn't have time anyway!  Today proves to be the warmest - at 72 - so I'm going to try to go there this afternoon.  Then it's cooling down again.  This is very unusual March weather!

Yesterday Paul and I walked around the circle with Gracie.  We wore jackets, hats.

  Yesterday afternoon I convinced Paul we should go  for orange sherbets at the orange grove across town.  Their sherbet is home-made.  Wonderful.  They also have lime and pineapple.  Gracie loved having the end of Paul's orange and vanilla cone.  She always loves it and waits patiently for him to finish.   

Afterwards we went on a ride around the countryside to the east of Venice.  It's very rural and is what you'd call "Old Florida."  There were some housing developments but not many.  One brand new strip mall had only a Subway and a bank in it. 

Quite a ways down a long road, we found a lovely little Venice park on the Myakka River, called The Venice Myakka River Park. Duh. There was a walking trail that we took that meandered along the river.  We found some  fishermen fishing across the river, so we walked over there.   The ancient live oaks were beautiful with their hanging spanish moss.  It looked like there were a lot of new plantings of bushes and small trees also.  The weather was cool, sun was bright, no clouds in the deep blue skies.    Beautiful. 

Talked briefly with Nancy Sunday.   She had the cutest video of Evie mothering little Walter.  He was in a baby swing, with a blanket over him.  Evie was tucking him in and giving him a gentle push.  Cute. It's on Facebook if you wanted to see it.  Hear Chicago's due for snow today.   He's two weeks old now.  She's feeding him every two hours.  I can remember those days. 

Speaking of Facebook - Noi had some beautiful pictures of the azaleas flowering outside their home.
We visited them last year at this time, I guess, and remember how truly lovely they are.  Noi and Greg have a beautiful setting there.   Magnificent is a better word. 

Haven't heard much from the family - both sides - so I don't have much news to report.  Lue did send me an e-mail.  Thanks Lue!   Down here it seems like there's a lull.  Good.  My prayers are with those of you who are suffering from health problems.  We've been fortunate and I must say we don't take our good health for granted.  We have our little odd and assorted things happening, but medicine helps those.  

Little (not so little any more!) Ida has her birthday on the 8th.  Seems like just yesterday she was a flowergirl in our wedding.  Happy birthday, Ida.  A card is in the mail, with a little something in it.

Paul just got back from Walmart's and we're taking Gracie for a walk around the circle.  So I'll close. 

How're things goin' in your neck o' the woods? 

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