The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Domino Effect

Or rule of thumb.  If something is started, something else will be started because of it. Paul is now going to enlarge our outdoor patio to make more room for our table and chairs.

 Actually, we had thought about extending the patio but this sort of cemented it (ha!).    Some of the pavers near the lanai were taken up by the workmen because they were in the way.  So yesterday,  he began putting them back.  He had two size pavers - 6 X 9 and 6 X 6 and we went back to Home Depot to get them again.  Unfortunately, they stopped making the 6 X 9  in that color (peach).  

Oh, dear. I even checked online for him,  and true -  they aren't making them.  BUT - he came back from Home Depot and thinks that perhaps he can add to the patio with other colors.  He's going to "map it out" for me and color it in so I can see what he means..  What a guy.  Really. 

 After the workmen left on Friday, we decided the windows are up too high.  We're going to have them lowered  5 inches.  I think that will make all the difference in the world.   The windows now extend above the lentil and we want to see the tops of them.   We don't have a back door yet - probably Monday.   

  Paul took the screen out of one of the windows, so that I could get things to him while he's working on the patio. He doesn't have to walk all the way around the house for . . . . ex. a pencil or paper, a glass of ice water.  Gracie's been so cute. I put a dining room chair up to the open window and if she stands on her hind legs and puts her front paws on the window ledge, she can see outside fine and watch Paul.   It's like she's on tip-toes.

Our home is at sixes and sevens.  All discombobulated, even more so than usual, but Debbie, my cleaning lady, comes Monday and it will be better.   Bless her. I indulge myself every other week.

Paul and I went out for breakfast Sunday morning at the Venice Moose club.  It's the first time they've served brunch there.  Bob would have come with us, but his daughter-in-law, Nicole, was running in her first half-marathon (in Sarasota)  and he wanted to be there, of course, to cheer her on.  It was Nicole and Jon's 13th Wedding Anniversary (St. Patty's Day) and she ran 13.7 miles.  Good for her!  Jon is biking now.  Every weekend he bikes miles and miles. 

Bob's  going with us today to Carol O's house for dinner, along with Carol's other friends John and Fran.  Carol's sister and brother-in-law, Patti and Joe are here for ten days.  Their time is going by quickly! (as is our time down here.)

It's now Monday. Been a three-day "write" this time. The men are back and our windows are out already. 9:45. Debbie is here. Life is good.

We had such a good time at Carol's.  We laughed so at she and her sister describing their childhood.  My stomach ached from laughing so much.  Patti cooked a great mexican dinner for us.  The house was all decorated for St. Patrick's Day, and outside they had little Irish flags going down the walk.  The table was set with shamrocks, green tablecloth, green plates.  Nice and festive.

A one-liner from Alice:  What do you call a leprechaun in your backyard?  Patti O'Furniture.  (Groan.)

So that's what's happenin' in our neck o' the woods.  What's happenin in your neighborhood?

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