The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Friday, January 13, 2012

In the back of my mind

In the back of my mind, I kinda wanted to have some snow before we left, and so I'm  glad to see some on the ground this morning.  Our grass is actually covered.  In the front and back yard.
 Before I opened the blinds, I  put on the TV.   They were noting school delays, schools closed.  Really?  I could see the reason for two-hour delays, but school closings?  How much worse could it be in the surrounding areas, than here?  I'm forgetting.  Of course, I'm not thinking about the hill areas on the school buses' routes.  It can be like night and day.

Paul has been diligently trying to get Gracie used to her travel bag so he's been  leaving the top and end open.  (She took out her bedding.)  In order to get a treat through the top, she needs to get in from the end, sit, and remain there.  Well - She rushes in, sits, gulps the treat, and rushes out.  Not sure it's working.  We're hoping for a less stressful flight Monday night.  Since we're 10 minutes from the airport, we can leave an hour before the flight.   That, in itself, will prove useful. 

I went to my Bible Study group up at church yesterday morning.  They were completing Paul's book of Romans.   They'd started it when I was here in the Fall.  It was nice to be there for the last part.  Our Pastor, Rhonda, is a wonderful teacher.  She shares all sorts of special information with us.   We relate it to our current lives and often get off the subject.  She doesn't mind.  It was good to touch base with them and look forward to seeing them in the Spring.


We've been hearing such good reports from Bill regarding Epril's homesickness.  How how much I appreciate my family and friends, and all they're doing to help them.   

 Uncle Bob suggested she set some goals for herself -  so she's decided to learn how to cook.  She cooked a shrimp dinner last night, and afterwards, while Bill went to the church membership class, she went to Aunt Alice's house and baked cookies.  Both were delicious, according to Bill, and his diet will start   . . . . soon.

Bill got a phonecall from our old (not really old, he's younger than me. . . .I think.) minister, Dave, and they talked for quite some time.  He's a good man, and felt Bill needed to talk.  They'd "friended" on Facebook some time ago.  As I said,  he's a good man. 


I got such a great phone call yesterday from an old (not really old either) friend, Barbara.   She and her husband, Dick, moved to New Hampshire several years ago.   But we keep in touch via Christmas cards/letters, and she'd been reading my blog.  Wonderful!  She hadn't sent out any cards this year, so we talked for the longest time and I got caught up with all the news of our families.  One thing it's hard to get used to is our children's ages.  The next generation shouldn't be getting so darn old!  Somehow they should be frozen in time.  If I can't stop getting old, (not really old!) they could at least try. 

Looking out my window, I see a gentle snow descending again, and it's getting close to lunchtime.  So I'll close and start lunch. 

That's all the news from the Woods Edge.  How're things goin' in your neck o' the woods?

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