The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Lotsa Good

I'm trying to become wise in my old age. Which is a great undertaking, but I keep trying. Read my newest post so I wouldn't repeat myself. I repeat myself enough, when I talk to people, and relay things I've already written about. Old people do that. Repeat themselves. But I must admit everyone usually nods and is quite patient.

Sunday afternoon between wind and showers, we helped stepdaughter, Sharon, celebrate her birthday. Her husband Dave cooked dinner, baked a cake, and the kids all helped set up and clean up. We came for cake and ice cream afterwards. Delicious.

Doesn't seem possible that it's my brother's 75th birthday today. He had a nice dinner party at his son Jon's house on Sunday with lots of family, including son Jil, surrounding him with love. Good. Happy Birthday Bob.

This is the last day of August. It's always amazing how fast August goes by. Being a teacher, or ex-teacher if you want to get picky, I always felt the last week in June to be included in summer since we were always on vacation then. So - "technically" July had an extra week.

August has son Jil's birthday at the beginning and brother Bob's at the end. Whoosh. It's over. So fast. There goes the summer. I drove past some schools yesterday and saw the cars in the parking lot and felt quite nostalgic. I miss these days. Getting ready. There's nothing like working with kids.

Jil had an uneventful trip back to Fla. Good. He missed Hurricane Irene by a hair. Luckily he had such an early flight. Now he's back in his old routine.

I was able to get in touch with friend, Marcia, in NC yesterday (Monday) morning on her cell phone. At the time, they were still out of power from Hurricane Irene. . . til last night. Now it's "business as usual." When I talked with her, she and Hal were coming out of the doctor's office where she had her cast taken off her foot. She broke her ankle a while ago. So now her foot is in a boot for six weeks. So recovery is happening. Good.

I met some friends from Bath: Meredith, Carol and Lucy, at the Seneca Harbor Station for lunch yesterday at the waterfront in Watkins Glen. We sat outside under the covered deck. It was a perfectly gorgeous day: sunny - with a nice light breeze. They are just delightful people and we had such a good time. I took half my roastbeef sandwich home and had it for dinner.

I guess that's all the news from this edge of the woods. How're things happenin' in your neck o' the woods?

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