The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Was Justice Served? . . . .

  More about  Our Counter Stools.

An overview:
A month ago after checking the internet for counter stools (prices, availability, shipping costs), we decided to check on a rattan and wicker store here in Venice and found a style that was comparable to the ones I'd seen.  And they were less expensive.  So we ordered four. 

They were to come in ten days, which they did.  We said we'd pick them up.  When we got there, the wood was wrong. (maple rather than a fruitwood)  So, they sent them back.

  We waited another 10+ days, and they arrived this past Saturday, the day before yesterday, so we went and picked them up. They were perfect!  Paul had put the back seats down and the stools fit well in the van. 

As we left the store,  we decided to do a little window-shopping for a loveseat.  So, with the stools in the van, we visited several places.

 We didn't have much luck looking for a loveseat, but the last store we visited had four of the counter stools we had just purchased   These were considerably less expensive.  ($50 each less)    You can imagine how we felt - here we had our stools, which we loved, but could have gotten cheaper elsewhere. Argh!

I thought about that yesterday, and stewed.  I was so upset.

 So, this morning we went back to the store and sat down with the manager and I explained the situation nicely to her and she couldn't have been nicer.  She said they'd check on the price at the other store, and call me.  She called.  I'm getting a check for the difference.  So glad and relieved and happy.  I could have said, oh well.  It is what it is.  But it was what it was, and I wanted to change it!  And it worked, and I'm so happy I did. 


Showtime practice.  The subject is TV Shows. 

 Ha.   I am getting so tired of being in Mr. Rodger's Neighborhood:

One of the performers is singing this and accompanying himself on the guitar, but he can only play in the key of C.     Pat, our director asked me if I'd " help him out."  The sheet music is in the Key of F. And I couldn't find it in the key of C,  So I've been busy transposing the music myself.   Of course,  this is all fun . . .if it wasn't, I wouldn't do it.  So I am enjoying it.  Doing a little bit at a time.  It's been a good 20 years since I've done anything like that.  If I continue to have trouble, there is someone in Circlewoods I can contact to help me.  I may do that.

They have to fix the way we get tickets for Showtime.  If anyone has a suggestion, let me know.

 We were allowed to get one ticket for just our spouse ahead of time. Great.  If you don't have a spouse, you can't get a ticket ahead of time. Last year we were allowed one ticket for each performer.  

So, I wanted my brother and Epril and Bill to go also.  If I wanted them all to sit together, I couldn't get Paul's ticket ahead of time.

 I needed to go with everyone on the day tickets were sold (Saturday at 10AM) at the Clubhouse so they could sit together.   Carol O had to go to get a ticket for a friend of hers who is coming that week for a visit.  She obviously wasn't a spouse, so even though Carol was helping out with the show, she couldn't get a ticket early for her. 

Picture this:

This is the only time tickets are a problem for an event. If I may repeat myself:  If you have any suggestions, they'd be welcomed!

On the day tickets are sold, they line up folding chairs around the inside wall of the Clubhouse for people to sit while they wait.  I would say there was a good one hundred chairs lined up.  I got there at 7:30, along with Carol. Ticket sales were at 10:00. If you wanted good seats, on a specific night, you had to get there early as Carol and I did.    There were 9 people ahead of us.  Some were there at 6:30. There is a limit of 10 tickets per person. People brought books to read; one lady brought a rug she was hooking.   

Wives or husbands got there and waited, and then in an hour or so, the other person  would come and take over.  Gradually the place filled up.  As the later ones appeared, it was comical to watch the expressions on their faces as they opened the door and saw how many people were ahead of them.

  Ticket sellers arrived at 9:45, set up a table, and a sign that said "Please be patient.  Do not approach the table until the person before you has purchased his tickets." 

 There are three performances:  Friday night,  a Saturday matinee and an evening performance with a cast party afterwards, for which I can bring a guest.  Guess who I'm bringing. 


It is my youngest grandson Walter's first birthday today.  Happy Birthday, Walter!  And many more.   He's having a quiet birthday with the immediate family - Mom, Dad, Evie and Vincent.  Nancy says he's pulling himself up on furniture now, so he'll probably be walking soon.  They are so cute at this age.   Babies are cute at any age.  We're thinking of you, my boy, on this special day. 

The weather has turned beautiful.  The temperature is perfect, and the breeze is just the right temperature.  I ran out of luncheon meats, so we went to Panera bread for lunch today and sat outside with Gracie.  Then Paul sat outside while I went food shopping at Publix next door.

 Bob stopped by to see if I'd like to go to the pool.  (We did on Sunday)  I had someone here for play practice, however.  I've put all my Showtime practices on the calendar in red marker so I can remember, and the calendar is  getting very red right about now. 

Tonight we have a yen for liver and onions, so we're going to go to the Conch in Englewood for dinner. 

I see from Facebook,  that Nancy, my daughter, is extremely busy.  She's trying to find time to exercise and it looks like she's considering 5 AM. Oh. My. And a lot of her friends sent comments that they go out really early too.  They get up at 4,4:30.  Go to bed at 9:00

  I, along with a lot of my generation, was a stay-at-home mom.   Although I didn't have to consider work, I can remember in the summertime I would play a couple of holes of golf at 7 AM while the kids were sleeping, and their dad hadn't gone to work yet.  That's about as close as I can get to what she's talking about.   There's no comparison. 

Epril has been driving herself to work in the morning.  That leads to a lot of different things -
Bill is home, without a car, doing work. But she's home mid-afternoon because she leaves so early for work - 6:30AM.   I wonder if this is every day or just some days and how this is working out.  Saw some pictures of them on Facebook - one was a darling picture of the two of them at a social event.  BTW  She's no longer blond.  She's dyed it back to almost it's natural color, a couple of weeks ago, and she had it curled for the picture.  Really pretty. 


Thank you, Carol O, for reading my blog and commenting on it.  It was appreciated.

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