The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

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  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Friday, May 11, 2012

Keeping records. Staying clean.

Sometimes it pays to keep track of what you're doing.

 Paul is great at doing that.  He keeps very accurate notes all the time. .  He even has a pad on  the garage wall  that he writes on each time he completes something such as  fertilizing lawn, etc.  He keeps track of doctor visits on the computer and adds new notes whenever appropriate.   I decided to follow suit, with an on-line medical history.  But I had trouble trying to figure out what's needed and what's not.  Plus I'm absent-minded.  I'd forget to do it. Things'd leave my mind.  For an ex-reading teacher, that's interesting, isn't it?

  So - we had a doctor's visit in early May (which it still is) - but I think it was more than a week ago.  Looking back, I guess it was.  May 1st. Anyway - the doctor wanted me to have a CPAP titration study sometime soon.  (That's a study by a technician.  It's done for someone who has a CPAP machine.  They  check the machine's pressure, and see if the components are fitting correctly. You stay over night - same as a regular sleep study.) 

My doctor said that they didn't have any record of my original sleep study.  Years ago, it was set up by my  nurse-practitioner in NY, to be done in Florida during the winter months when I was a Snowbird. Did I have the info for them?  Well, you know the answer to that.  I didn't have any record of it.  Oh, my.  What to do.  What to do. 

My diaries.

I've been keeping a diary since 1976, and have all thirty-six volumes.   Paul's made me a shelf in our closet, where I've kept about 10 years of journals.  It'd be in there.  Somewhere.   Narrowing the search down:  What year?  It was before Paul and I were married.

That eliminates 2007-2012.  Okay.  It was done in Florida, in the winter, so I had to be retired.  That means after 2003.  It had to be after I met Paul - 2004.  I began using the machine after I got back up north.   I narrowed it all down to 2006.  Winter and Spring.   I found it!  I found the entry for when I saw my nurse-practitioner and read the records sent from Fla.  I called her.  She had it all.  I got a copy of them and sent them on. 

Before I forget - I want to thank Bonnie, Paul's sister, for the nice, hand-written double sided letter she sent to all her siblings.  She doesn't use the computer, but someone gets this blog printed out for her so she can read it.  We enjoyed reading her letter.  Thanks, Bonnie! 

We've had a couple of rainy days up here, but today it's sunny.  Paul's out mowing again.  It does look beautiful. 

We talk with Bill, Epril and brother Bob in Florida quite often on speaker-phone during cocktail hour.

We asked Bill to send us anything from the mailbox  that hadn't been forwarded.  It came yesterday.  There was quite a bit.  Plus a lovely Mother's Day Card.  (It was quite beautiful, and a keeper.  They both signed it, with a note from each.)  Thanks to you both.  It made me very happy.

Speaking of Mother's Day - last night Sharon and Ida picked me and we all went to Paul and my church for their  annual May Women's Dinner.   I can see their reasoning for calling it a Women's Dinner  instead of a Mother-Daughter dinner.  Lots of older women without families, came with friends.  I met some very nice people sitting across from me.  Plus a lady from Bible Study was sitting with us too.   It was nice.  One of the ladies reminded me of Gram.

 It was very quiet as the program began.   I filled my coffee up to sip during the program.  I must have had it really close to the edge of the table because it fell off, and under the table, on the floor, splashed all over my dark pants, mostly on my zipped-up purse, a little bit on Ida's outfit, and one of the lady guests' shoes.  Luckily, you'd never have known it, because this was all under the table, so the top of the table was spared, and thank goodness it didn't make much of a commotion to anyone except those of us sitting at the table.  The visitor said she always wanted to be baptized Methodist.  Now her shoe was.  Ha.  That was a nice way to try to make me feel better.  Afterwards  Ida said I smelled like coffee.  God bless her.   Beforehand she'd given me a lovely mother's day picture she'd made of a rose - with the words, "Dear, Jeanne you smell nice."   I love it.

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