The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Monday, March 23, 2015

This Growing Old is Not for Sissies.

Do the Good really die young?  Nah.  Look at my husband.  And I just had my 75th birthday. 

Well, it's good to be writing again. I had a problem with this computer - I have the touchpad "erased" as I like to use my mouse instead. It had un-erased and was causing a lot of problems for me: of words that suddenly disappeared, or I'd start typing and end up in the middle of a paragraph.  Anyway, my dear husband showed me that F6 is the magical key that I can use.  He even put a sticky note on the computer that I can use to remind me if I needed to do it again.  What a guy. 

I guess the biggest thing is that my son Bill has relocated to the Philippines.

His divorce was finalized in January. He decided a while ago that he really loved living there. .We picked him up last Saturday afternoon and brought him back to our house for the weekend. 

  He had some friends at the apartment so we had a chance to meet them.  A young couple with a cute 2 year old boy.  We dropped his car off at a friend of his who is a sheriff.  So I guess he's reliable! LOL.   He'll be storing the car for him while Billl continues on with the payments..

 Then we took  a bayan box (Filipino mailing cubes (They're quite big -This one held  approx. 90 pounds) to a Filipino woman who has a business that  mails them to the Philippines.  It takes two-three months.  Bill mailed out several with her earlier in the month.  She has quite a business. In fact,  she's renting a garage at her apartment complex to store all the boxes she presently has, before she sends them on their way.

  Bill stayed with us Saturday night and Sunday night before we took him to the airport last Monday. He took us out to dinner on Saturday night to a Thai restaurant that we all love.  So much food - I took half of it home with me.

If you don't already know, but I don't see how you could not, if you're on Facebook,  since Bill's been telling the world about it on Facebook, Bill has met someone on the internet with whom he's decided to be with. Her name is Flor, who has a young pre-school daughter, Samantha.

An aside: Paul and I met on the internet.  We were lucky because we could get together for coffee very soon thereafter.  But Bill had Skype.  So that helped them to get to know each other enormously.

  It was hard to see him off, but all I want for him is to be happy and I think he's very happy. Overjoyed.   He's been Facebooking all the time.  I've tried to share a lot of the photos so my friends can see.

Monday:  We've been Skyping back and forth starting on Saturday night - Sunday morning there.  This was our first chance to Skype.   He took me on a tour of his house, the outside area, and I had a chance to talk with Flor and Samantha. (4)  It was nice to talk to Flor.  She's a poised young lady who knows how to converse very well in English.  Samantha was too shy to look at me. She buried herself in her mother.   That's okay. You could tell they are very close.   What a lot of changes in this little girl's short life. We must remember that  anything worth anything takes time and patience with little ones. 

Since talking with them on Saturday night, they called me for my birthday yesterday. 

My birthday:  Paul and I went to early church at 9:00 and then he said he wanted to take me to the club. In Englewood.  That's the Moose Club.  Well, he surprised me when we turned in to Boca Royale, the upscale restaurant/golfing community.  That was the Club he was talking about! He was tickled that he surprised me!   We had a wonderful brunch - great food, watched the golfers tee off, etc.  Physically, I was not able to do much more.  But he really surprised me a lot.  It was a wonderful birthday. 

I have just realized how much of the following has to do with health.  My apologies.  No one likes to read such things, but it has affected us.  So I felt I should write.

So - I've been busy just trying to get my physical life back to normal.   I've just gotten used to what doctors I have here do what, and I'll have to go up north and become used to the doctors up there again.   (They said growing old isn't for sissies.)  I DO have a yellow notebook in which I have put all doctors, their phone numbers and why I see them. and current happenings.   At my age, it's hard to remember.  There's a total of 12 doctors - here and there. 

Since I wrote last, I haven't been able to get to the pool due to wounds. I had a stupid fall.  And some exercise   Both my arms and  legs had been affected.  .  .  .

  On a day that was supposed to be wonderful - our friends Bob and Sue B. invited us on their catamaran boat.

 Paul couldn't go because the shower men were still working on it.  You'll read about this in a paragraph down below.   I went with Carol O.  All was fine, beautiful day - outstanding scenery, dolphins following us - Paradise on Parade.  Until we stopped for lunch and the cement dock was too high for my short legs.

 I fell up onto the dock and injured my knee and scraped up my shin.  Then later I fell getting back into the boat.   My knee was the one I had the cortisone shot -  I guess luckily!  It got better in a couple of days.  Not the wounds though. They take forever to heal.   No pool for me. I have been to the pool very little this year. 

 Paul came to their house later on to see what a beautiful spot they have.  They live in a mobile home park on the Myaaka River.  . 

Then I went to Curves Thursday and Friday and injured my other knee.  Holy Cow. (It did not affect Friday night's cocktail hour at the Clubhouse.  Thank goodness.  Another paragraph further along) I can hardly walk now.  We stopped in at the orthopedics doctor this morning, and I'm hoping for an appointment really soon. They're booked up. BUT they put me on an "important list" and they'll call me this afternoon they said.)   Cortisone shot needed, I think.  And probably knee replacement. Probably sooner rather than later.

 The thing about it is, I feel great when I'm sitting. Sleeping too.  Like I could conquer the world.  That's an illusion when I get up and try to go from one  place to the other.  Or even stand. 

Bob is now back up in Alpharetta, planning his next trip south with his friend Mark, from Toronto.  That should be at the end of April because we're planning on leaving after that.

 We want to leave when the grass needs to be mowed.  BUT Paul said you can't depend on the grass!  And I agree - one year, the grass was high.  Another year, it wasn't ready at all.  You guys up North have had an awful winter, and we felt for you.  I wonder if that means that Spring will come later, or earlier, or what.  So that means we don't know. 

Two weeks ago, Paul decided to clean the grout in our bathroom shower, and while doing it, put his hand through the tile and made a big hole.  Needless to say, that started a chain-reaction of things, entitled Replacing Master Shower.   We called Alice who had her guest shower replaced a while back.  Her tile-man couldn't do the job (too busy), but he recommended a guy and he came and he and his son did a fabulous job.  We were really pleased.  Then we needed to paint the bathroom. From a lime-green to a beautiful tan color. 

 The medicine cabinet looked pretty awful.  Paul took it out and is making a new one.  What a beauty it is.  All wood.  Oak.  The stain is gun metal.  The window curtain was salvageable.  Washed and rehung.  I know how spoiled I am when I realized I asked him - oh, by the way, do you think you could replace the old shelving and make a new shelving unit to hang up on the wall with doors? and he immediately sat down and drew the plans. 

We have found a new fun thing to do at Circlewoods.  It's called "It's 5:00 Somewhere."

  On Friday afternoons at 4:00, anyone who'd like to come can go to the Clubhouse.  If it's nice weather, we sit outside, if not, we go inside to the a/cing.  Everyone brings an hor d'oerve and whatever they'd like to drink.  We've been twice.  Last week we came late at 5:00 because our tile man hadn't finished up yet.  It was nice.  This time we came at 4:00 and left a little after 5:30 to go out for a fish fry.  We had about 30 people there this time.  The sun is very bright, but the shadows help immensely, and we have umbrellas on the tables. 

Cousin Carol, Carol O both stopped by for my birthday yesterday afternoon.  That was so nice - with funny cards.  I talked with Nancy and the grandkids who sent me a kindle book.  Looks good too!  Alice is recuperating from a very bad cold after her trip to Colorado last week.  She can hardly talk, her voice is so raspy  But she says she's feeling better.  Good!

So - I have to get up and complete the wash.  What I can do, I do.  As I said, when I'm sitting, I feel I can conquer the world.  Then reality slips in.

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