The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Being in Contact

I'm back!  Doesn't ever seem possible that so many days have gone by - almost a month since I last wrote. . .

And I've been getting some positive feedback - Brenda says she reads my blog to keep up with "what Dad's doing."  Got a lovely long e-mail from Barbara in New Hampshire - she reads it faithfully and feels she knows me better than she did when we lived near each other years ago on Long Island. She updated me on her family.  Thanks Barbara! It's so good to hear from you.  A blog often feels like a one-way street. 

One thing that I am enjoying is Facebook. I have put my blog on Facebook so it can have more of an audience.  It surprises me when I hear from people from "long ago." Also -  It enables me to learn about so many people I haven't thought about for many years, or to get to see what my children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, relatives of Paul's are up to.

  It's been invaluable to get to know Paul's extended family.  Once a year - We seem to get together with as many as we can.  But still, that's only once a year, and with Facebook, I can read what's going on and comment on it when it is happening.  I feel truly it is a Godsend to me and really serves its purpose that way. 

We've been pretty close to home since we got back from our cruise.  Paul needed more care from the cataract surgery than he expected.  The healing is going a lot slower.   He has a pair of glasses that sometimes work, sometimes don't.  It depends on the day.  BUT Sometimes he sees fine.  I would say excellent! He went back Friday and ordered a new pair for computer work.  The pair he has does distance and close up, but not the distance to the computer. 

I ordered Posey Arm Sleeves on the web.  Luckily it hasn't been hot and humid down here.  It would be rather unpleasant with these sleeves on.  I have to take medicine that thins my blood and skin and my arms end up bruised and wounds appear.  I feel very stupid and clumsy -  I was banging into all kinds of things and becoming very frustrated.  Wearing the sleeves most of the time, has given my arms time to heal and I feel much better about it.   My arms look almost normal.   I haven't been able to go to the pool with open cuts.  I am hoping I can go next week..

But - of course - next week is very busy with Showtime rehearsals.  Showtime is next weekend, so we have rehearsal upon rehearsal.  Lots.  Cousin Alice is not in it this year because of a travel commitment to Colorado.   We'll miss her, of course.

 I was to accompany Alice, but someone else is doing her song - and I'm playing for her.  She's never sung before and didn't know we should practice, and I didn't know I was to accompany her. Until last Thursday.   It will all work out!  No problem!  Cute song to the tune of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.  Which I can almost play by ear.  Carol O will be helping me out with all the accompaniments - turning pages. 

We got a new wind-impact resistant front door.  It has a beautiful oval window that brings in a lot of light but the glass design still gives us  a lot of privacy.  Paul put it in, of course.  We have an agreement, that if he enjoys doing something - that's fine.  If it's not fun, we will get someone else to do it.  So far, he's done everything. 

My brother Bob has been here for two weeks and will be here next week.  He leaves next Saturday, so he can see Showtime Friday night.  Bill, his son Paul Wi and my Paul will be there then.  We've enjoyed Bob's visit - as usual.  It's like having family - oops - he IS family.  Very enjoyable.  And Martini is a joy too.  Gracie and she have been having fun.  Although, they both instigate barking at nothing, when they think someone is at the door. We'll miss him (Bob)  when he goes home.  We always do.   When I proofread this, I thought - wait a minute - that should be she (Martini)  But - no.  I meant Bob!

Bill came for dinner last night, along with Paul Wi.  We ate in the dining room instead of the Island because there were five of us.  Beforehand, we had cocktails outside at our next door neighbors'.  They have a great couple visiting them - Hank and Geri, whom we've come to know.  Plus they had some relatives from the Venice area.  So they had quite a crew!  We brought some lawn chairs.

  Gracie adores Bob A. (next door) and if she hears him talking and they're both outside - she is gone like a flash and sitting on his lap.  We try to train her not to do this, but I guess we're just not strict enough.  Bob A seems to love this. 

Bill is getting ready to go on March 15-16th back to the Philippines.  He's so excited.  There is so much he has done already to go, and it's not like a hit or miss kind of thing.  He's been there, done that, and knows what he needs to do.  He has a friend that will be storing his sports car for him.   That may or may not be a problem, but whatever it is, it is.  As far as I can see, he's really tried to do everything he could.

That always reminds me of Lue.  It is what it is.  She always has such neat sayings and descriptions of things.  Wish I had written them down. I will have to remember.  So clever, Lue!  Miss you. 

Last weekend I went to Chicago to help Walter celebrate his 2nd birthday.  Actually, it was just a weekend like every other to them.  They had celebrated his birthday on his day.(the 18th)  But it was good to see Evie,Vincent. and him.  Walter is behaving better which means Nancy can enjoy him more.  It hasn't been easy.  Evie is a wonderful four and a half  year old.  She is adorable.  She has started piano lessons and will begin dance lessons soon.  Plus She and Vincent have swimming lessons  on Sunday mornings while Walter goes to soccer.  Yes.  He's in soccer.  He's in the Little Kickers.  Dan went with him and met us at the swimming pool after he was done.

Nancy and I watched Evie and Vincent.  Nice spot - called Gold Fish. Almost in the same building as Walter's.  It is a pool for little ones.  Four (or less)feet deep. Toddlers and babies (obviously) need parents in the pool. It has 20 or so lanes across the pool with three-four kids in each spot.  a half hour lesson.  Parents sit behind a glass wall in plastic chairs and can move them to the lane where their kids are.  We were able to sit behind Vincent and watch Evie over in the corner.  Cute.    Afterwards we went out for lunch.  The kids ate well!

Bob and we have gotten used to not having him next door.  This is something I wondered about before we came down. Would it bother me that someone else is living there?  Actually, they aren't.  The house probably  will be a vacation house for the rest of their working years.  Or perhaps they'll rent it out.  But, no - I don't mind someone else there.  Neither does Bob.  He's so happy in Alpharetta.

Sharon and her family are certainly not lacking for excitement.  They're thinking of moving - their office, their home!  What stamina they must have.  Dave Sr. still has his health problems, and Sharon, Dave and the kids are struggling with medical problems too.  Wish they could come down and get some sun and warmth.  And they had to have Gunnar put down.  Some years you wish you'd be able to stay in bed.  There are so many quotes - Into each life some rain must fall.  This too will pass. Look for the silver lining. . . .Let's just leave it at that.  Thinking of you, Sharon.  And Ida, who is having a tough time of Gunnar's passing. . . That's the hard part of having a pet.   

So - as they say - that's all the news that's fit to print.   Speaking of news, isn't that something about Brian Williams?  He's from Elmira, practically a relative.  Bob has a bell on his watch that goes off at 5:00. It just went off.    Wonder what that's for. . .

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