The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday, Monday.  As the song goes. . . here it comes again.  Can't really say time goes slowly, can we, at our age?  Nope.  The weeks speed by.  I guess life is just like vacations.  The early years, summer and a year seem like  forever.  Now.  Forget it.  It's 10:44 on my computer.  When I blink my eye, it'll be noontime. 

Our friend Mark from Canada has arrived.  We told hime we'd leave the door open for him, so if we weren't there to just come in and make himself at home.  When we came back from dinner, we noticed items in the guest bathroom that weren't ours.  But he wasn't around.

 Mark comes and goes as he chooses, which is fine with everyone.  He's very personable - we always enjoy having him here or up north.  He's actually Bob's friend, but we have more room for company than he does, so Mark stays here. 

Bob comes home today from Melbourne where he visited his daughter Christine and her family for Easter.  Bob left Saturday morning and is coming back this afternoon. 

Mark said, and we agree, our weather hasn't been the weather we're used to, down here.  The nights go down in the 50-60 degree range, it's been cloudier more than most.  Like now.  I'm hoping it gets sunnier today cause I wanna go to the pool.  It's my chance to see people. 

One thing about being in a community for so long is the amount of people I know.  There's always someone at the pool to talk to.  Circlewoods is like a small town.  The pool is like the local post office, drugstore, or wherever people come to meet. 

We had a very different Easter because we didn't have any company this weekend. (When Mark arrived Easter evening, the weekend was really done.) 

Greg, Noi, Neenee and Brenan were supposed to come, but things popped up.  Brenan had tickets for a concert Saturday night, Neenee was coming down with something.

 Paul and I both agreed that schedules and so forth are so important to teenagers.  It'll probably happen more and more.  That's part of the cycle of life.

 We'll see them at Brenan's graduation in early June. We're flying down.     Seems a lot of the family will be there.  Great!  Can't wait!

Last week was so busy - Alice and Carol here for dinner on Palm Sunday,  Tuesday we had Cookie and Clarkie also for dinner.  Wednesday's difficult fiasco.  We decided to go out to dinner, just the two of us, to a really nice restaurant which we loved.  The Lock and Key on Manasota Key, overlooking the water.  We had a 5:00 reservation and had a short wait.

 It's marvelous now that the majority of Snowbirds are gone. Although the parking was bad over by the restaurant, we had to park way across the street in the beach parking lot. The dinner was delicious.  I ate too much and will have to pay the piper when I go to Weight Watchers on Tuesday, tomorrow.

I had a Skype session with Nancy and the kids at 6:30.  We were a little late getting in, but it was so good to see them all.  Walter is a dear - 14 months.  He's hanging on to things, not walking yet. He sat there for a while seemingly in love with me, and then he got off and crawled behind Nancy to investigate something under the piano bench.   Vincent will be 8 at the end of this month.  We talked for a while, same with Evie.

  Vincent was eavesdropping (his words) on the sofa behind Nancy. She cautioned me to be careful what I said.   I could see him, as I spoke to her about two packages that were in the mail for his family birthday. . . April 29th.    He's celebrating it late May with friends.  I'm thinking about flying out there from Elmira for that celebration.

I got an e-mail from my friend Barbara who lives in New Hampshire.  I had erroneously said she lived in Vermont.  Oops.  They've been there for several years.  They were going to Long Island for Easter.  I didn't ask, but I assume they take the ferry across the Long Island Sound to Long Island.  Is that so, Barbara?

When we did over our new room, we eliminated two large shelves about a foot from the ceiling that went around two walls.  It was covered with tchackas (sp), a jewish word meaning little items, not necessarily meant to be together, but that are,  that have meaning only to the owner (my definition).   These have a temporary home above the wall cabinet that includes my computer, and these hundred items  and when I look up, they're looking down at me.  I'm slowly finding homes for them.  I know how Bob feels.  He's trying to get rid of stuff.  Most of these have meaning to me.  And Paul.

Thank you, Carol and Patti for your kind remarks regarding last Wednesdays events.  It was nice of you.  On that same note - we took Betty to the late service at church yesterday.  She usually went to the early service, but didn't want to go just yet.  We sat where she likes to sit - on the left.  I noticed a lot of her friends were there. Good.


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