The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Friday, December 13, 2013

When you get to be my age. . .

When you get to be my age. So some of you can relate, some of you - not yet. 

I had a wonderful night's sleep last night.

 I got in bed and fell asleep within a nice length of time.  Not an hour and a half. I didn't waken during the night.    I woke up this - morning at 8:00 when Gracie awoke us both.  She wanted to go out.  It felt so good and refreshing.  ( I meant just the weather. ) 

The only thing I considered possibly a deterrent to my happiness. . . is the happiness that  it was cold out. (for us) Meaning. . .Tomorrow morning  I have planned on going to water aerobics.  That would be out of the question if it's so cold. (cool)  No one would want to do it then.  That'd be a shame because I really am enjoying how I feel when I'm done exercising in the pool.  My knees are fine, and I have a lot of energy the rest of the day.

 After a partial week of fluttering into oblivion, our DVR has stopped working.   I am so annoyed.  Paul studied it and studied it. So this morning we went down to the Comcast office.  Day of all days - there wasn't a line - so we were able to get there, get out, within 10 minutes.  The man was so polite and helpful, we thought, so . . . now we've got a new machine but it still isn't working.  We've called Comcast, and I guess we'll have to again. They said to wait 45 minutes for it to reboot.  The man at the office, said wait 5-7 minutes.  (we thought - now we have to go do some phoning, with the phone on speaker mode so I can help Paul hear correctly.)

My computer is erasing my words as I write - the above paragraph I've written four times.  Each time it has disappeared.  I hope it doesn't have anything to do with our TV situation, as we have a bundle with Comcast: TV, Computer and Phone.  This is unusual.  I will try and not let it annoy me and I will go out and help Paul.  He just said - it's the RNG 200 M.  It causes all kinds of problems.  You can only record one program at a time.  The older version let you do two at a time. 

My happiness is eroding. 

We had a good Carol Sing last Saturday night.  There were 12 people here at the house,  so we could do a full The Twelve Days of Christmas.  If you remember,  I made up copies of the songs we were going to sing. . . in nice big beautiful print.  The only problem there, was that I hadn't collated it so that it was a little confusing. To say the least.   So this week, I collated it all, stapled them together, and guess what - I'm bringing them up North with me for Christmas, along with the piano music.   So, all you northerners, be aware and ready to sing Christmas songs with me at the piano. Be in a happy mood.  It should be fun.  We'll make sure it is. 

So- I guess my computer has stopped erasing words.  Good. 

We're going to the Christmas dinner/dance Saturday night.  Alice is going with us and our new next door neighbor, Linda, who also joined us Saturday night for the Christmas Sing.  Linda lost her husband a year ago on December 18th and it was a hard time for her.  As can be expected.  I'm glad she'll be coming with us, and that Alice, also a widow, will be there.  We usually don't stay for dancing.  We won't tonight. 

We have our TV working. Kind of.   All is well again. Of course all our recordings have been erased.  But that's easy to correct.  Just record them again.  I take that back.  It's not.  It is breaking up, the sound comes and goes.  Paul's checking the cable now and working on some other things. 

Bob is busy getting ready to go to visit his daughter Christine tomorrow on the East Coast.  He's going to leave from there to go to Alpharetta and spend Christmas with his son Jon's family.  He'll be gone until around the time we return here to Fla. from our sojourn up north.  We'll be going to a fish fry tonight, however, so we'll see him before he goes.

We got Gracie a Thundershirt.    From the vets.  What's a Thundershirt?   It is for pets who experience stress from thunderstorms, travel anxiety, other things that make them anxious. It holds her very close, almost like a mother would hold a small child. Like an Indian papoose (?)  We tried it on her after we got home and she was fine with it.  Her tail didn't go down - which is a sign of unhappiness - and she didn't mind when we left it on her.  She was as bouncy as ever.  I had mixed emotions about getting it - it was costly.  But after seeing it on her and observing her, I'm glad we got it.  Besides, it's like a little coat, so it should be good for the cold weather when we arrive up north.

Bill and Epril are coming for dinner on Sunday so we're leaving our Christmas decorations up until they leave.   I put up some decorations but there isn't much, because we're only here til the 16th.  It was good to see their tree last week.  It looked good.  Epril did a good job of decorating it. 

We went to the Christmas Lights Concert at the church last Sunday evening.  They had been speaking about it for several weeks during church services.  And. . .  What a beautiful experience it was!  There were about 100 people, all the men in tuxedos, women in dressed in black dressy outfits,  lots of candle light, beautiful music - the choir, an orchestra, the bell choir, the piano, organ.  The church was completely full.  I brought some Kleenex with me but only needed to use it twice.  I'm very susceptible. 

The next time I write, I'll probably be upstate.  If it's not a state of confusion, I will be writing.  Will try.  It'll be good to see everyone.  We're both looking forward to it.. 

Pray for our DVR.  It needs it. 

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