The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Go to Curves or Post?


It's been a beautiful time down here.  The weather has been around 75 degrees, sunny and no humidity. It was foggy this morning and it usually means a sunny day, but it's still cloudy.  Actually it's mid-afternoon now and there is some blue sky up there.   Paul went to the hottub this morning at 8:00.  There was a friend of his in it too. 

 Paul's been thinking about outside Christmas decorations.    We'll be in Chicago visiting Nancy and her family for Thanksgiving this year.  He wants to be able to come back the Sunday after Thanksgiving and just turn on the switch and see it all lit up. Sounds like a plan to me.  Of course he doesn't have to think about doing all this in cold weather, so that's nice.

Actually My Dear One went to Target and bought a small Christmas Tree  and has it decorated, and sitting on the piano.  We have a fake fica tree, in the lanaii, that has white lights on it, so it never was a meaningful Christmas tree.  But we'd  decorated that for past Christmases.  It gets lit all the time anyway.  So he's been busy. 

 Paul decided to do something different with our big palm tree out front.  He went to Walmart, bought the necessary lights, and support stuff and put it all together.  It's hard to describe, but I'll try:  He staked out a ring around the bottom and tied the lights up into the top of the trunk just below the fronds. The shape is a pyramid of colored  lights going up and down around the tree.  So when it's dark (we sneaked a look at it last night) it looks like a Christmas tree shape.  As mentioned before, it won't be lit til after Thanksgiving weekend when we get back from Nancy's.

Paul and Gracie took me to Curves in Englewood the other day.  When he takes me, he likes to stop at a small restaurant in the plaza while I'm there and sit at one of their outside tables and have coffee and a muffin. As can be expected, no pets are allowed inside. So  I went  in and ordered it for him before I walked around the corner to Curves to  begin my exercising.  As the waitress and I brought them out, I had to smile because he was surrounded by "6 old chicks"  admiring Gracie.  The waitress  got a kick out of it and said our dog was a chick magnet.  She sure is.  Paul and I also got a kick out of it.

 Yesterday morning, I finally got around to calling my hair dresser. My hair was in a bad way!  She could take me an hour later, at 11:30.   After I got there I found out she'd had a knee replacement in September and was on a shortened schedule, so I was lucky to find her in and available.   Her name is Zsa Zsa.  With that name you can picture a blonde bombshell from Hungary.  Well, about the only thing that's the same is her coming from Hungary.  She's about my age.  A little younger.  We're about the same shape. You get the picture.

  Paul drove me over and picked me up afterwards at 1:00.  He hadn't had lunch yet, so we went to the Moose Club in Venice and had a delightful lunch.  We both had tuna and chicken salad sandwiches, and a glass of wine.  The sandwiches cost $3.50.  The wine was $2.50.  What a bargain.  The place was on the quiet side, and not really busy.  Some couples were playing cards at back tables, a couple of people were at the bar, eating,  and some tables were used - but not all. 

What a difference from their crowded Friday night Fish fry. I couldn't wait to go and I looked forward to it all week! (I'd actually been looking forward to it for months!)   We invited our next door neighbors, Bob and Crystal, to go with Bob, Epril, Bill and us.  We got there at 5:15 along with many others . . and we had trouble finding a place to sit! It's quite a large room too.  We ended up  on the porch overlooking their small lake and fountain.  That's where we usually have ended up because we get there when we do.  The food was delicious, as usual, and the service wasn't long.     Oh, well.  Epril made some delicious brownies and Bill bought some ice cream for dessert.  Afterwards, we sat on our lanaii and enjoyed it. 

Bob and we went  to Trinity Presbyterian church Sunday.  We went to the 9:00 contemporary service that is held in the Fellowship hall -  it is quite large and it holds a lot of people at round tables.  They serve coffee.  Paul and our friends, Carolyn and John, who go to the Presbyterian church in Bath, have their son's family down here.  They come down every year and spend time with them.  Their teenage granddaughter,Kayla,  sings in the contemporary choir.  We saw her there, and her parents Seth and Kelly who've  joined the church.

 I don't think I ever mentioned that I've been going there for years and years before I met Paul; my aunt and mother went there before we did, my parents names,along with many others . . are both engraved at the beautiful stone Memorial area outside.  Unfortunately, they spelled our dad's name wrong. Mom had it done, and I suspect because she couldn't see well, was advanced in age, and didn't know what to do about it anyway,  didn't get it fixed. We weren't here at that time to do anything about it.  We really should do something about it now.

Epril and I just had a cup of herbal tea out on the patio.  I like that herbal tea.  I found some K-cups with it at Walmart the other day.  We had a chance to just sit and talk.  Just the two of us. She's so sweet.  I had a chance to get to know her a little better.  And vice versa.  No cell phones allowed.  Just the two of us.

Carol O has been keeping me informed about my friend, Ruth, from Bath.  She had a hip replacement on Monday.  I understand from Carol, she's okay and should be home today or tomorrow.  Good.  And many thanks to Carol for letting me know how Ruth's doing.  Carol is doing really well with her knee replacement.  I guess I can thank my lucky stars that I have all my knees and hips.  And Paul does too. 

Well - guess I'll just end for now.  Hope you're all doing well.  Hurricane Sandy devastated Bob's and my hometown.  I have to call my friend Marty and see how they did out at the end of Long Island.  Marty's also from East Rockaway just as we are.  Her sister and her husband lives there still on one of the canals.  Oh, my. 

So - I bet things are goin' better at your neck o' the woods than their neck o' the woods.

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