The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Special First Day

What a day. Here we are, the day after Labor Day, which was all rainy, all day. Not very nice weather to end the summer. We didn't have any bar-b-que, so we stayed inside and did inside things.

Actually that's not quite correct. Paul put in a new front screen door. We have a porch along our front, so the rain didn't affect his work at all. But - let me backtrack a bit: For a while now, we've been thinking that when the house is "closed up" such as when we don't need a/c, but don't need heat, it gets really stuffy, and if we could open windows and the front door to let some fresh air in, without bugs, it would help. Saturday, we went shopping for a screen door.

Our first stop was Lowe's. They displayed a new kind of retractable screen which doesn't take up much space, and looked like it would be perfect for us. It had to be special ordered. We decided to check at Home Depot because Paul had a gift certificate there. We found just the right kind, and what we wanted, in stock and less expensive. The screens retract. Some go into a side area or some into a top section, but goes across or down when needed. Neat. We bought a side-retractable one. It's almost invisible when opened, so we have to be careful not to walk into it. It's practically unnoticeable when retracted too. Paul said the directions were horrible. Why is that so often the case with projects that need to be put together? Luckily, Paul is so handy. It took longer than he expected, but he naturally did a beautiful job, and he is so calm and patient.

Today is a special first day of school. The first time in all of my retirement "first days" that my schools' retired teachers don't have a luncheon. Our usual planner couldn't be here. . . and the gal put in charge . . . to put it bluntly - forgot. You can imagine how embarressed she was when she got phone calls - yes, I called also - wanting to know what was going on. So we have a scheduled first-day-of-school-luncheon-for-retired-teachers planned for the 19th. So life goes on. Eight years and still celebrating!

But - today is also a special day for my dear little grandson. Vincent starts kindergarten. Wow. It will be only a half day today, and Nancy and Dan are required to go to meetings while he's in class. Then starting tomorrow, he'll be going full days. The new school he'll go to which is a charter school, is within walking distance from their condo. How great is that?

In 1962 I "started" Kindergarten also - and taught for 7 years til my son Jil was born. So, this is an important day for Vincent, and I can relate to Vincent, Nancy and Dan. So well. Not only my own children's first days, but my own teaching. Some of my happiest teachings were then with my co-teacher next door, Dot. We had more fun together - joining forces for so many things. I think everyone can relate to this day - the first day of kindergarten is so special. Life goes on. BTW - I had 36 children in the morning, and 36 children in the afternoon. Two sessions. My very first teaching day was memorable: it rained and they all had yellow raincoats, many without names on them. Plus rain boots.

My little guy started kindergarten. God bless him and all the other little ones. May it be a joyous time for them all. Happy First Day, Vincent!

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