The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Sunday, December 23, 2012


It's hard to believe but I do think I have all my Christmas shopping done and gifts wrapped.

 This is a new thing for me. 

Our, (my) home has always been overrun with wrapping paper, gift cards, tags, ribbons, scotch tape and scissors. (It was typical of me to lose the scotch tape and scissors, plus the pen I needed to use for the tags.) I only had that problem for a short while thanks to internet shopping; it saved the day.

The internet shopping  was mostly for my daughter and her family who won't be with us. (that. . . I really feel bad about, but accept it.) I had their presents sent to St. Louis which is where they'll be for Christmas this year.   Thanks Jane and Scott for being there on that end.

 I feel a little guilty though because they're not wrapped.  I could've had the stores giftwrap the presents, BUT-  I used the money needed to wrap them and bought other gifts.  Some companies charged you $5.99 a gift, and you couldn't say - put two in one package because they're for the same person! Next year I'll try to be more savvy. I do have a Christmas club and perhaps I'll just put more money into it for store-wrapping!   I really was into the spirit but didn't think about the gift wrapping.  A saving grace - all the packages are labeled who they're for, on the outside . So they don't need to be opened except by the receiver.

On a serious note:  I've heard about packages being stolen that are left outside of homes.  Hope that isn't the case with mine. Egad.  Just another worry to have in this day and age.

 Good Lord. Life can be made unpleasant by worrying.   From here on in, I'll write about what I'm thankful for. Excuse the English.  (From here on in)


In Chicago,  I have a lovely daughter and son-in-law with two beautiful children and are expecting a third.  Nancy will have  a baby boy in February.  That's a wonderful gift.

 Plus I have a son and daughter-in-law here in Florida living 45 minutes south of us. They have a beautiful apartment.   They're both working.  They have lots of church friends nearby.  Another wonderful gift.  We had thought Epril would be working Christmas Day, so we invited them here yesterday for a steak dinner, and an evening out with  Uncle Bob and us to see The Christmas Carol at Venice Theatre.   We heard last night that Epril will be off Christmas Eve and they'll be joining us at Bob's son, Jon's house in Sarasota.  That's another gift!

 And of course I have my wonderful husband, Paul, who gives me such pleasure all the time and for whom I'm always grateful.

 My brother Bob who lives kitty-corner to me - is doing so well healthwise.  He's still recuperating from his heart operation, but he is doing so marvelously..  It does my heart good (good pun, I had to laugh as I wrote that) to see him getting his strength back.  We do enjoy and love him being nearby.

   My cousins Alice and Carol are close and I see them every Wednesday for Bible Study at Alice's home.  That is another thing.  Alice is a gifted speaker and everyone likes to listen to her.   There were 19 ladies at her house last time I was there. 

Paul's family total twenty.  This includes all five of the siblings, spouses, and our grandchildren.  This is a special blessing to me who came from a small family.  It is so wonderful to be around all of them.  Especially to watch the ten grandchildren grow.  They're all teenagers, or older, except for Ida who is in fourth grade.  And she's as tall as me!  (Now this is a tall family. and I'm only five foot!)     But we are blessed: We will see  Sharon's family from NYS and Greg's from right here in Gainesville, Fla.   This Christmas, we'll miss three families: The Corning relatives, Jeff's family, and Brenda's in California.  It's Brenda's year to be with her in-laws same as Nancy. 

BTW Brenda had her 50th birthday yesterday (Saturday) and spent it hosting a Bunco party!  Paul called her and her company had just started arriving, so he made his wishes brief.  But she had an exciting time planned.  Congratulations Brenda!  Jeff's son DJ who got his bachelor's degree in May, is taking a year off from school before continuing on.  He's presently working in Colorado for the winter months at a ski resort.  Dorothy, Jeff and Alaina are planning to visit him the first part of January.  (He has to work Christmas of course.)

 We'll also miss Lue, Paul's sister-in-law, who will be with her family.  We're hoping to have her visit us here in Fla. some time in the next three months with her friend Ruth.   If Lue needs a little persuading,  we're up to it!  We'll also miss our good friends, Marcia and Hal, in NC.  We don't see them at Christmas, but hope they'll visit.

I didn't send out a Christmas letter this year.  I did a lot of thinking about it.   Although we were busy, we didn't do any earth-shattering things.   Except for a cruise in February.  I mentioned it to Bob and Paul  and they said - if people don't know what you're doing, that's because they're not reading your blog.  They're right.  So - I'm just sending out regular cards with a note in each to those cards we get that are forwarded from our NYS mail.  Maybe I'll just put my blog address in the cards.  Good idea.  I'm glad I thought of it.  A little late for some, but not for all. 

Guess that's all from Circlewoods.  How're things goin' in your neck o the woods?  I bet you're blessed too!

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