The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Friday, January 9, 2015

A Quiet Week. . . How Nice. . .Kind of

Here it is Friday.  What a quiet, welcomed week it was too.  I don't know how long it takes to become used to being retired, but I think I may have hit that point. It's only taken me 12 years. 

 Paul and I were up early this morning and yesterday, even earlier. (To be explained later on.)  And we realized that all this earliness is for the birds.  That's funny.  For the birds.  The early bird gets the worm?  Get it?  Yesterday we were out in the dark - 6:30.  All the people, up and about.  I can remember being "one of those," in years past.  Believe me, those times go by fast.  Today we were out at 7:45.  It's a different life for those working.  Like I didn't know that.  But you do forget.

So - why were we up so early.  Paul had a cataract removed yesterday.  His appointment was 6:45.  All went well.  No I patch  (gonna keep that mistake.  That's a beauty.)  NO EYE PATCH.   He came home and used his comfortable recliner for most of the day.   He couldn't read, watch tv, or use the computer.  It was a very boring day for him.  And me.  I felt very guilty using the computer, reading.  And I didn't until I couldn't stand it any more.  So after we were talked, napped, out,  we found a talk-radio program on iheart radio.  He needed two kinds of drops in his eye every two hours. 

Today we were back at the doctor's office for an 8:00 appointment, and back home by 8:30. All going as planned.  He now has the same drops four times a day.   Next week we are scheduled to do the same thing for his other eye.  He says he sees an improvement in his eyesight, which is great. 

Carol O.  should be on the auto train at this moment  (3:45).  It leaves at 4.  So exciting.  I can picture her there.  Her sister Patti didn't come with her this time, but her friend, Cindy, is.  They'll be here tomorrow.    Carol will be here for three months.  It'll be great to see Cindy and her.

 BTW - An interesting part of my past:

 After my mom passed away,in 1993, Marcia and Hal and I took the auto train for our Spring Break and came down here. The plan was to fill up the car with items I wanted, clean out my mom's clothing, get the place all set to rent.   So I can picture Carol's train trip very well.  I myself think it's a tiring venture.  I didn't sleep well, even tho I had a chamber all to myself.  It was fun, though, being with Marcia and Hal, eating and drinking. Meeting other people.   When we got off, we headed to the East coast so they could look at a boat that was for sale.  Then we headed to Venice.  So it was a long haul, that day.  Then on the trip back, we didn't have our own chambers, but slept in reclining seats.

Got a nice long e-mail from Marcia yesterday.  It's always nice to hear from Marcia. 

Speaking of responses.  Thanks to you who took the time to tell me you read my blog.  It means a lot to me.  I appreciated it. 

Bill is going out to dinner with us tonight.  We're headed for the Northport Moose Club.  We were there early in the Christmas season, so it's been several weeks ago, and we had a good meal.  The service was slow because they didn't have many servers.  They have a nice selection of good food.   We had prime rib which was delicious. 

I went to Curves on Monday for the first time in a long time.  The days have just been filled and I had no time to go.  I had hoped to get there again, but no.  Today I went to the Club House Exercise room and tried some of those machines.  Unfortunately, the only ones that I felt comfortable with were the treadmills, so I spent some time on them.  The others used knee-power, and the condition of my knees made them unsuitable.  (One of my knees has bone on bone.  I don't need any problems with those!)

Paul has been biking around the community and seems to be enjoying it.  One day he didn't come home for the longest time and I started to worry, but when he arrived, he said he'd stopped at the exercise room and used the treadmills, etc. That's when the thought came in my mind about using it.   Also my next door neighbor and her sister go there three times a week.  I think Paul prefers to putter around here, ride his bike.  He does NOT like to be unable to do things, so these past days have been hard.

Paul's granddaughter, Alaina, is in the Peace Corp in Uganda.  Her parents, and brother DJ are headed there for a visit.  They're leaving on Monday and will be there until the end of the month.  Alaina left a year ago October and is scheduled to be there two and a half years. Total.   She writes a blog  It is extremely interesting' They have a wonderful time planned with travel, a safari, and all sorts of interesting things.  We have their itinerary so we can follow along each day as it comes.  We're hoping that they put things up on Facebook!  I'll share if they do.

We got new computer chairs - a beautiful faux leather tan color.  So comfortable!  And the garbage men took our old crummy ones.  Paul tried to give them to the Salvation Army(?), but they refused them.   They were pretty awful.  I wasn't surprised.

My cousin Carol is going to begin her training for her dialysis that she can do at her home.  It will begin in about a week.  She had prepared for it, but complications (that could be fixed) came up, and the Christmas holiday and therefore, it was postponed until the present date.  Thoughts and prayers if you wish.    Since beginning dialysis, she looks and feels better - more perky. Lot more smiles.   It's one of those things that you don't realize how uncomfortable you were, until you realize how much better you feel.  God bless her.  She's got spunk!

We had a nice conversation with Bob up in Alpharetta, GA. last night.  Since it's very close to Atlanta, we knew it was very cold.  Bob wants to come down for a visit or two while we're still here.  He knows he's always welcome.  It's so nice to see how happy he is up there.  He sent me a Kindle recipe book - for Gluten Free.  Wasn't that nice? 

You should see our flowers.  (I always feel guilty when I write things like that.  I should take pictures and post them.  I'll try again!  Soon. . .) They are perfectly beautiful.  Most flowers down here are in containers, and ours are no exception.  Paul has done beautiful things with them.   Our "new" grapefruit tree is coming up from the old.  Paul's put a cement border around it to protect it from the mowers, etc. 

Well, guess that's all the news from this end of the world.  What's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?  That means let me know how your life is going.

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